I was full of semangat to start DD on the new theme, but alas, it was not yet meant to be. Barely 3 days into the new school year, DD fell sick.
On Wednesday morning, she muttered 'rasa nak demam'. There was no temperature,so I sent her to school nevertheless. When I picked her up later in the afternoon, she looked such a wreck I knew instantly that she was sick.
I took her to the doctor on Thursday morning. The doctor gave her 2 days of mc. By then, DD had developed the whole package - fever, cough and the flu. She also complained of stomach pain. Worst of all is that she tended to purge after taking her medicine. DD spent almost the entire day sleeping. She was miserable and cranky whenever she was awake.
She looked better on Friday. She even played computer games. A good sign, or so I thought.
On Saturday, she had stomach pain in the afternoon. But later on she was cheerful and almost became her normal self. I felt sure that she would be able to attend school on Monday.
Sunday was the worst. DD coughed non-stop and threw up twice. We took her to a different doctor. The doctor said there was a lot of phlegm and her fever was caused by the phlegm. The doctor prescribed 5 bottles of medicines for fever, flu, cough/asthma, phlegm and antibiotics. Now that was a nightmare, because by then DD had developed a phobia of medicines. The doctor told us to take DD to the hospital if she doesn't get better after one or two days. She gave DD a day of mc.
Alhamdulillah, DD got better afterwards, despite continuing to purge after taking her medicines. She's still coughing, but not as bad as previously.
She's back at school today, after missing 3 days of school. There's a lot of catching up to do, but most importantly is that she gets well first. Fuhh.. it's been a nightmarish week..
Alhamdulillah dah sihat.
Kat sini HAWe dan Hky serta anakcucu pun tak berapa sihat..batuk, bersin, berhingus dan demam..
hope things improve
Alhamdulillah, Yasmin dah sihat balik.
IWA: Yasmin jangkit dari saya kot. Balik dari kelate baru ni, terus demam, batuk dan flu.
MFT CEUs: thanks for the wish
Nida: Alhamdulillah. Dia masih batuk2, tapi dah boleh pergi sekolah. And she's so kurus after the purging episodes.
SSienyo ko Yasmin..dah kuruss..tak bagi dio mkn madu?
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