Friday 22 May 2009

Me, teaching to read the Quran?

I always have the highest regard for the teaching profession. It’s one of the most selfless of all vocations, requiring a lot of efforts and perseverance, and yet generating little material rewards.

My perception of teachers was mainly moulded by the teachers that I encountered during my formative years. Perhaps I’m one of the lucky ones, blessed with good (and some great) teachers throughout my schooling years. One particular teacher even piqued my interest to become a teacher myself. Alas, that ambition has not materialized, but I’m still hopeful …

Somehow, I’ve always ‘known’ that I can teach. Some former colleagues raised that conviction when they praised my ability to explain and clarify matters. At the university, my presentations always managed to draw praises from the lecturers. One of the toughest lecturers even gave me two thumbs up for my presentation.

So it was with confidence that I took up DH’s suggestion to teach DD to read the Quran. Afterall, how tough can it be to teach your own daughter who is always eager to impress her parents with her academic achievements? Furthermore, I had introduced her to Iqra’ some time back, so teaching Muqaddam is just an extension of that, isn’t it?

Well, I soon found out that it wasn’t as smooth-sailing as I had expected. The student was eager, but I underestimated the possibility of getting frustrated when one is learning to read in a language that one does not understand. Iqra’ lessons do help, but I can see that she is struggling. She mainly relies on memorization instead of actually reading the words.

To encourage her, I update the log at the back of the Muqaddam whenever she progresses to the next surah. That helps a bit. It keeps her motivated. Now she insists to update the log by herself. It helps me to monitor her progress as well. When she seems to be spending too long on a surah, that means that either one of us has not been paying attention.

This method can also backfire. DH takes over the task whenever I’m unable to teach her. He’s a stricter teacher, insisting that every single word is pronounced correctly before allowing her to move on to the next level. It has caused frustration once. She thought that she was already good enough, but DH refused to allow her to move on. She ended the session in tears, disappointed that she wasn’t able to update the log.

Sometimes, she would yawn incessantly throughout the recital. At other times, she would tell me that she's tired. I understand, it’s not easy for a 6 year-old to keep her momentum on a daily basis. So one day I tried to make it interesting by relating to her what the surah was about. We were reading al-Fiil at that time. Her interest was piqued when I pointed out what it means and the similar sounds between the words ‘al-fiil’ and ‘elephant’. She recalled a story book she read about the ‘elephant armies’. Soon she started asking about the other surahs.

I can see that an understanding of the surahs makes the lessons more interesting to her (and to me too). Perhaps I should arm myself with the translation during the lessons. Who says that Quranic recital has to be boring?

I am happy that I'm able to address her frustration (for the time being). I know there'll be more challenges. Her interests (and mine) might wane, but till then, I'm content to count our little achievements.

Happy Teachers’ Day to all teachers (paid and unpaid, qualified and unqualified) out there.


Ibu WA Alim said...

Tk..perasanla pulak bila awak ckp paid & unpaid, qualified & unqualified..Selamat Hari Guru kpd awak jugalah..sorila sblm ni keluarkan nama awak dr senarai ucapan saya..
Saya sokong awak ambil effort ajar sendiri Yasmin baca Quran..sbb'a mmg rugi bg org lain ajar..sbb itu dah jadi 'pokok' yg awak tanam d ladang 'sana'..yg diajar d sek tu (alQ) akan membantu p'ajaran awak d rumah d sini sana..
Bestnya dpt 2 thumbs up..! Saya dulupun pernah pensyarah akui sbg berkebolehan dlm menerangkan/menjelaskan..masa presentation juga tu.. paper pensyarah tu kedekut kot..1 thumb up pun tak bagi..masa sek dulu pun saya 'perasan' pandai dlm hal ni..bila explain sesuatu kat kawan2..kira genetik jugak kot..! Yg pasti..bakat!

nida said...

Good ideala maksu..nanti kena try ngan abg n jat

Ummu Auni said...

baru muqaddam. tu pun tak lepas alif di atas a, alif di bawah i...

Yasmin's Mummy said...

IWA: it's a struggle, but for now this is the best arrangement we can come up with.

nida: cuba lah. tau la budak sekarang ada banyak distractions.

UAA: that's what I did before, ajar mengeja je. And then I realised it was tough for her to sustain the interest. So now I'm teaching both.. baca quran dan mengeja. She's finding the quran reading more interesting than the mengeja. Sama lah macam mak nya dulu.

Mohammad said...

Salam, tahniah YM. Besar pahalanya insyaAllah...utk ajar Quran, guna kaedah terkini yang lebih sesuai dgn cara anak-anak belajar...cuba check...ada Iqra', al-Barqi dll...dan tengok rancangan Ust Zamri di TV9. kaedah tu semua rasanya tak ajar mengeja, terus baca (sesetengah tu siap ada lagu

huruf dan ejaan satu perkara yang sukar dipelajari, konsepnya kompleks untuk diterima dan dipelajari apatah lagi oleh kanak-kanak (what is A, B, C? what is alif, ba, ta?). Sebab tu Glenn Dorman suruh ajar baca tunjuk the whole word dan sebut, bukannya dengan mengajar hrufu atau mengajar mengeja. Mungkin ada beza sedikit sebanyak dengan teknik belajar baca Quran, tapi fundamental (learning how to learn, how the brain works etc.)tetap sama, insyaAllah.

Ibu WA Alim said...

Dulu2 AWan tak suka kaedah Iqra'..terus sebut-tanpa memperkenalkan huruf-tanpa mengeja terlbh dulu..
So, utk Ali dulu Ky aja guna cara tradisi..kenal Ky sediri pun sbnrnya masa kecik2 tak belaja nngeja pon..terbelit jugalah lidah..
Pulak2 keluarga AWan aja..alif fathah a..alif kasrah i..alif dhammah u..bkn alif d atas a..alif d bwh i..dan alif d dpn u..mcm yg biasa Ky dgr..
Dgn Alim Ky aja Iqra' dulu..lps tu masuk Muqaddam..belaja mengeja..slps beb surah..agak2 dia dah tau mana dtg sebutan tu..Ky dah tak aja eja dah..sbb nampak dia jemu..sbb ngeja ni lambat sikit kot..
Djh 2 ni..Alim dah naik AlQuran..

Yasmin's Mummy said...

Mohamad: tq.Saya bukan ajar alif atas a alif bawah i etc. Saya ajar ala2 phonics la, a i u, ba bi bu etc. Kaedah 'pukul' tu cikgu ugama dia ajar sikit2 disekolah.. mmg dia kurang gemar coz after a while it gets monotonous & tiring.

IWA: Yasmin started with Iqra' last year. Baru 2 bulan lepas started baca surah2. Mmg dia agak jemu dengan iqra' so on certain days saya allow dia skip iqra' (if she requests) coz dia ada belajar formal iqra' lesson juga.

Mohammad said...

YM you spelled me name wrongly lor ...

Yasmin's Mummy said...

Aiyoyo somehow I always thot it's a single m. Btw, yesterday I put you as my emergency contact in an interview form.. I spelt it wrongly of course.