Friday 23 December 2005


My oh my, it’s been a long, long while. It’s almost the end of the year again, and this neglected blog has turned one. How fast time flies. I must thank my dear Adik for telling me that he now has a blog, otherwise this blog would remain neglected till kingdom comes. I guess I’m a perfect example of someone who gets things half done, or to be more to the point, “hangat-hangat taik ayam”. If there were a bet between DH and me about this blog’s survival, he would have won hands down.

So many things have happened, I don’t know where to begin. Being my self-centred self, I usually talk about mundane stuff that only concerns me and my family (I’m thinking of Ally McBeal now).

Anyway, little DD has grown so much within the short span of 6 months. She’s getting smarter by the day, I’d better start brushing up on my arithmetic and language. She had a black-eye incident two days ago at the playground. Somehow the left side of her face managed to get into contact with a moving swing, causing some nasty bruises. She cried, and so did the maid.

Did I say the maid? She’s actually a brand new maid who joined us on 1st of December after the previous maid ran away. My fears about the previous maid having friends in KL were not totally unfounded. She visited them once a month, the first time was to ask for her money that was on loan to a friend, the second time was to sell her television set so that she could settle some debts back home, and thereafter for one reason or another. I didn’t mind her going out meeting friends except for the concern that they might influence her to join them working at the restaurant. As
it turned out, she did run away during the fasting month. I did my best to be a good employer, and if she couldn’t appreciate that, then it’s her loss.

The new maid, who goes by the nickname of Pita, is 21 year-old. My heart missed a beat when she told me that she has worked in Malaysia before. She seems like a nice girl though. I hope she would at least tell me in advance if she intends to leave. For DD’s sake, I hope that wouldn’t happen. After my previous maid left, DD kept asking me, “Where’s ibu Ani?”, and I find her questions heart-breaking. Now she has Pita, whom she calls Kak Pita. Sometimes she gets her name mixed up and she’d call her Pitapi.

Pita’s elder sister will come to Malaysia early next year to work for my SIL’s family. I’m happy for them, at least they will have each other.

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