Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Singa Lapar (A Hungry Lioness)

I have an account with CXXX Bank. The account is mainly used for my rental income and some online payments.

I've been trying unsuccessfully to access the account online for the past few days. I found it perplexing as I was sure of the username and password. Finally, at around 8.30 am this morning, I decided to make a call to the Customer Care number.

After the routine "press this, press that", I finally managed to talk to a Customer Care staff. Upon checking, she found that the problem was caused by "non-payment of fee of RM8.00". The fee was supposed to be automatically deducted, but due to some system error, it wasn't. And to fix that problem, I was advised to visit a CXXX Bank branch. Now, that got me really upset. I mean, why should I "mengadap" the bank officer when the problem was not due to any fault of mine? When I voiced my unhappiness, the Customer Care staff advised me to speak to an officer from my branch. But she couldn't connect me to the branch because it was not yet opened at that time.

I waited until the opening time at 9.15am. Then I went to CXXX Bank website to find the branch telephone number. Well, the only number listed is the Customer Care number. So I called the Customer Care again and had to explain my problem before the line was transferred to the branch.

A lady from the branch explained to me what I already knew: "non-payment of fee of RM8.00" and "must visit the branch to settle the problem". I went ballistic at this point. So she decided to transfer the line to her superior, En. Z.

I waited for an eternity (almost), and then, the line went dead. Somehow, after numerous dealings with so-called "Customer Care" in Malaysia, I wasn't suprised at all. But I was more determined than ever. I thought, "this trick isn't going to work with me this time haha!!".

So I made another call to Customer Care, did the "press this, press that", spoke to a Customer Care staff, explained myself all over again, and finally managed to talk to En. Z. Obviously someone had briefed him because he already knew about the "non-payment of fee of RM8.00". And I couldn't believe my ears when he said that I wouldn't have to visit the branch afterall and the problem would be fixed by the end of the day.

I asked him, why is it necessary for a customer to be nasty in order to get good service? Why do I have to be a bitch to get my right? He asked me for the name of the staff who told me that I'd have to visit the branch, but I said of course I couldn't give him that because the staff never introduced themselves (note to self: always ask whom you're speaking to).

He promised to give me a call once that problem is fixed. Well, he has 14 hours before the days ends.

Note to CXXX Bank: the voice recording on your Customer Care line says something like "Your satisfaction is our priority". Now, that's almost funny. But after hearing it for the umpteenth time, it makes the listener wants to scream.


Nida said...

teringat pulok dulu sekali abe re ado la kes gapo x ingat tapi serupo maksu la, part keno explain cerito byk kali nih naik cuok jgk, sblm boleh kecek with branch officer n solutionnyo 'çepeh' jah. Ida wonder bakpo tok train molek selalu ko hok dok jago Customer Service/Care tu yer? Ko dio ajar suruh jawab lebih kure supaya customer cuok n tok tepon doh?

-yang sentiasa cuak with customer care-kekeke

Yasmin's Mummy said...

Nida: Rasanya diorang dah ikut 'script' training diorang. The prob is the policy & procedures.. patutnya kalau masalah tu berpunca dari kesilapan di pihak bank, they shouldn't make it inconvinient to the customer. Actually after I posted this entry, I got a call from another officer, telling me to either go to the bank or write a letter to "verify that I'm me." Selepas maksu 'basuh' dia, she agreed that I wouldn't have to do either. Now I can use my online a/c and ATM card again, and guess what, actually the fee was already debited on 3rd of July so tak de masalah 'non-payment of fee of RM8' pun sebenarnya.. Letih betul deal with customer svs in m'sia ni.

Ibu WA Alim said...

Dulu ada sekali Ky beli brg kat Gxxxx..dah tgk dah price yg dlabel kat rak tu harganya lbh murah dr biasa.. jadi belilah lbh sikit..tp bila balik tgk kat resit harga tak spt yg dlabel..so kita org pegi semula nak complain..dia orgkata supervisor takdak..dan takde sapa keluar jumpa kita org yg dok tertunggu2 tu..dlm keadaan resah menunggu dan gobar antara berani dan takut nak berdpn dgn sapa2 yg spttnya kita jumpa..tak sedar tempereture dah naik..so budak yg keluar lps tu kena sembur habis..kesudahannya lps tu ky yg malu muka nak pi G tu lagi..sbb dah uncontrollable sgt2..(rasanya dia org tak berani keluar jumpa sbb brg2 yg dlabel utk promosi sblm hari itu tak/blm diubah-apake sbbnya tak taulah)

Nida said...

Laa..gitu pulak ko maksu. Diaorg ni kdg2 bukan nak perbetul salah diaorg tapi nak jgk letak kesalahn kpd kita balik. Ingat x kes Ida n JPA tu..nak jgk carik kesalahan kita (mmgla kesalahan Ida bayar sikit2, kekeke).. but still perbetulkan yr sistem tu.. pastu nak letak logo besar gajoh 'customer is our first priority' pun letok la. Btw, tiap kali diaorg anto bil after that pasti tertera di bil tersebut bhwsanya diaorg dpt anugerah IT paling cemerlang dlm gov. Tergelak Ida n Abe re, bukan apa kalau dpt anugerah sbb comel lote x payohla, yg paling penting security sbb pembayaran dilakukan secara online. HUH!! Marah lagi ni..hihi.

Hcy- Ida pon bele2 tunggu buleh 'gelegok', sbb tu Ida suko seroh kpd suami yg penyabar itu..hihi.

-Customer cemerlang-ada ker?!

Nida said...
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Yasmin's Mummy said...

IWA: kesalahan macam kak yah cakap ni dah banyak berlaku.. displayed price lain, check out price lain. Kalau saya pun saya menggelegak jugak. Patutnya kalau supervisor tak dak, kak yah minta jumpa manager :) Takkan la sorang 'org besar' pun tak de, sah2 diorang takut nak jumpa kak yah. takpe, jgn malu pergi Giant tu, bukan salah kak yah pun.

Nida: itu la yg kelakarnya, tag line bukan main lagi canggih, tapi yg sebenarnya lemau. Mmg menyakitkan hati. Maksu tak leh nak serah kpd hubby coz dia penyabar sangat2.. in the end kita lak yg kalah hehe..

Ibu WA Alim said...

Sbnrnya bila dah biasa shopping menyopping ni kita pun tau lah jugak kesilapan2 yg biasa diorg buat dgn labeling2 ni..dan kita pun bkn nak berkira sgt..kalau pasal nak komplen harga burger tu je tak berbaloi pegi..sbb duit minyak kereta pun tak lps..kami pegi pun hari tu sbb ada beli screen gelap pelekat cermin kereta..balik2 tak larat nak belek tokleh nak pasang..sampai kita org dah potong dua benda tu..jadi nokgi komplen yg tu lbhnya..alih2 dia org bagi yg baru..bila balik tgk kami yg tak reti sbnrnya..

*Lama lps tu baru pegi semula pasaraya tu tp skrg cawangan tu dah tutup, yg pastinya bkn sbb i pegi mengamuk..

*Nak jumpa supervisor pun ambo dah bercelaru nikan pulak nak jumpa manager..