I didn't know that primary school exam is such a serious business these days. First, they separate the desks so that the kids cannot copy each other's answers. Then they tell the kids to leave their bags at the back of the classroom. There's a 10 minute briefing before every sitting. And oh, the invigilators are teachers who do not teach the class. I mean, even in my MBA exam, my lecturers were allowed to stay in the exam hall. And DD is just in Year 1.
DD's responses to my questions on the exam are mainly monosyllabic, "Okay", "Fine", "Easy", "Difficult". And I don't want to pressure her either while the exam is still on-going. On top of sekolah kebangsaan exam, KAFA exam is also taking place this week. So I had to cancel my plan to let her ponteng KAFA this week so that she can focus on sekolah kebangsaan exam (bad mum).
The plan to get her to study during the Wesak long weekend was mostly derailed. Friday was spent at her grandparents' house playing with her cousins. Half of Saturday was spent shopping. And Saturday night, my 'little' brother and his family slept at our house.
Fortunately, DD had started her revision much earlier. So overall, I'd say we've covered pretty much everything for sekolah kebangsaan exam. Not for KFA exam though. The KAFA school just gave the letter to inform us about the exam last week.
DD's primary school is a bit different from other schools where exams are concerned. The report cards for Year 1 - Year 3 students only show the students' marks, not the position. So your children are 'numberless', and the good thing about it is that it makes you feel less pressured. The bad thing? You may be under the false illusion that you child is doing well when she/he isn't. The reality will kick in once your child enters Year 4 because that's when they start streaming.
My DD puts herself under a different kind of pressure altogether. As I mentioned before, her BFF has a PSP. That gave DD the idea that she wants a PSP too. DH said to her "If you get all 100% in your exam, I MAY consider buying you a PSP".
Me? I'm just relieved that school holidays are coming.
auni belum masuk sekolah pun, dah stres nengok dia. kih kih. macam manalah kak ida & aida handle 4 orang :p
UAA: Exam time is stressfull for the moms. I talked to other mothers, and they're just as stressed out. Mungkin juga sebab first child.. I guess it's easier with the subsequent ones.
p/s: I can't leave comment in your blog. Selalu hang..
YM..Ida pun stress bukan setakat exam jer, even h/work anak2 pun Ida naik stress. My blood will always go upstairs...hihihi. Ida rasa mungkin sebab Ida ni expecting too much from Abg n Jat. Fourth quarter (US curr divided into 4 quarters) ni Ida buat donno jer, both hubby n me less stress, lagipun kami takut balik Mesia nanti terkejut sedara mara tgk tampak kami makin tua sbb stress pasal h/work n exam anak2.. hahaha.. Ida figure out accepting their ability/talent lagi senang.
jat quite slow compare to Abang. My mistake sbb nak Jat excel cam Abg, so both of us mistakenly 'marah2' him sokmo2 when comes to h/work(Abe Re yg sabar tahap gaban tu pun hilang sabar bila his turn kena ajar Jat) tapi every quarter result Jat lebih kurang Abang jer. Menyesal la jugok dok marah2 sokmo, tu yg quarter ni, I let him do it his way, in his own pace. Me feels relax, hubby too x di pressure oleh isterinya minta tolong tengokkan h/work or help him bila dekat exam, Jat jugak seems relax n perform better. Maybe sbb dok marah sokmo menyebabkan Jat hilang confident. Jat ni lebih suka melukis, ralit jah dia dok melukis, ida kena belajar to accept anak2 base on their own ability, x leh nak compare2..my mistake, I admit..:(
Betul Da we have to learn to accept them based on their capabilities. Setiap anak2 ada kelebihannya. Lagipun kejayaan di masa depan bukan bergantung kpd kecemerlangan dlm pelajaran semata2 .. banyak lagi faktor lain.
Yg maksu cuba stress kat Yasmin is that she should always try her best. We can accept her results, even if it's not as good as we expect, as long as she has given her best and not wasted the opportunity.
p/s: baru balik dari kg. Sabtu pergi pergi kenduri kawin anak Abg Zu Makcik Umi, ahad kenduri kawin Adli Ayah Cik.
camana kputusan peksa yasmin,mesti ok kan. sy tension gak ngan amsyar kalu bab ulangkaji nak peksa.dia buat dont no aje lah.sini djah 1 dah bg no.Amsyar dpt 4A,no.7. Izy 5A no.2, Aifaa 3A no. 2 dan Afiq 3A no.1.kalu cakap kat afiq and aifaa knp 3A je,demo cakap dah naik ni umi dr peksa dulu.saya cakap oklah.saya rasa tak boleh juga nak tekan2 bebudak ni.Macam Nida cakap anak2 ni kalu bab melukis memang minat.biarlah dia pun tension jg ngan belajr hari2.peksa KAFA sini tak abih lg.sambung minggu depan lak.
Tahniah buat Amsyar, Izy, Aifaa dan Afiq sebab semuanya dapat keputusan yg bagus. Yasmin baru dapat marks.. report card hari sabtu ni kena pergi collect di sekolah. In a way saya rasa lega dia tak de nombor, jadi kurang sikit stress :)
I agree tak payah nak pressure diorang too much. Perjalanan diorang masih panjang.. biarlah diorang enjoy masa kanak2 diorang yg pendek ni. Bila makin membesar tanggung jawab makin berat, tak de masa dah nak bersuka2.
izy buat pembetulan semula katanya Amsyar dpt no. 5.
Ai anak2 sedara saya ni gi tunjuk terrer d Jerteh pulak..!
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