Monday, 10 May 2010

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all mothers out there. We are wonderful moms, don't let anyone make us think otherwise. Real moms, step moms, foster moms, ibu susuan, we all have the role to nurture our children so that they grow to reach their full pontential.

I made a phone call to my mother on Saturday night to wish her Happy Mother's Day. That's it, just a wish. No presents, not even my presence. She was touched, nevertheless. I wish I could give her more of my time.

I received a hand-made card from DD. Last Friday, she came home from KAFA at around 6 pm. She immediately reached for her art-block, tore a piece of paper from it, took out her oil pastel set, asked me what are the colours of the rainbow, and sat down in front of the TV to start working on the card.

One hour later, she handed me the card. I told her to give it to me on Sunday. She sulked - plonked herself on the sofa in the living room and promptly fell asleep.

So I decided to look at the card after dinner. There's a huge picture of an rainbow in multi-colours. On the other page, she wrote down this message, again in multi-colours:

"Mummy, you're the best mother in the world. You make my heart colourful. You're colourful. I love you Mummy."

I gave her a hug and thanked her profusely. Now I don't know how I make her heart colourful or what it means to be colourful, but I'm touched, nevertheless.


Nida said...

Sweetnya Yasmin. Sini mother's day in March, Abang n Jat balik melompat2 cakap mother's day, confuse la jgk. Tapi, no card la. Just wish sbb mamanya confuse n argue with them mother's day in May ;)

Ummu Auni said...

auni balik tanya aini, "Ibu ahad ni hari ibu ek?"

sungguh aini pun tak tahu, hahaha

"Kakak tahu mana?"

"Kakak tahu sebab kawan kakak cakap."

oh sweet

Ibu WA Alim said...

Alim kutip sekuntum bunga kering lama yg gugur dr bakul bunga hiasan meja pengantin masa Munirah kahwin dan letak atas meja dpn Ky tanpa berkata apa2 jadi Ky pun tak kesahlah sbb ingat dia hy mengutip benda yg tercicir d lantai sehingga ayahnya komen, 'org ambil bunga tu dan pelekat kat coklat mcm ni..bla2..'

Lps ayah dia komen dia p kutip bunga2 lama juga yg berguguran dr sebuah vase dan bungkus dlm kertas pembalut terguna bg kat Ky siap pesan jgn buang pembalut tu nanti blh guna lain kali..

'Oklah dek..'

yasmin's mummy said...

Nida: Lain kali don't argue :) Accept je the wishes...

UAA: I make it a point to remember mother's day coz I want to call Mok and wish her. She's a bit sensitive abt this kind of thing.

IWA: Amboi2 anak teruna awak, siap bagi bunga. Perhaps you should express more feelings to him apart from "Ok lah dek" :p

Ibu WA Alim said...

Masa saya nak ambil baju seragam sekolah dr beg sekolahnya lps dia balik sekolah ptg tadi saya nampak ada sekumtum ros merah kecil terselit d celah poket begnya itu..dia terus ambil beg sekolah itu dan membawanya ke belakang..mcm tak mau saya jumpa bunga ros tu..tentu bunga itu dbelinya d sekolah tadi..

Saya hrp bunga itu utk saya..

Yasmin's Mummy said...

So bunga tu untuk awak ke? Aduss syahdu nya. Make sure you show him your appreciation.

Ibu WA Alim said...

Blm dpt2 lg sampai skrg..agaknya dah dberinya kpd salah seorg gurunya.. sempena sambutan hari guru yg diadakan hari ini..

Yasmin's Mummy said...

hehe.. bagi bunga kat cikgu.. so sweeet

Ibu WA Alim said...

Pg semlm saya tanya dia buat apa dgn bunga yg ada dlm poket bagnya itu?..jwbnya lupa..saya tanya mana adik dpt bunga tu?..katanya kawan yg bagi..lelaki ke perempuan?.. lelaki..

Ptg semlm saya nampak bunga tu ada atas bakul atas meja d sudut..saya tanya tu bkn bunga adik ke..? Dia ambil bunga tu dan hulur kat saya..'bagi kat ibulah..', katanya..

Ibu WA Alim said...

..saya pun ambillah..

Saya pegang kat tgn..masa tu saya tgh tgk TV..lps tu saya cium..mana ada bau..bunga buatan..lps tu saya selit kat poket baju yg saya pakai..

Bila nak naik tido..saya bawa ke bilik dan letak atas al Q atas meja sisi katil saya..

Masih d situ..

Yasmin's Mummy said...

IWA: touching...