Wednesday 3 March 2010

You feel like an incompetent Mom when ...

.. You're oblivious of your Primary 1 child's exam dates.

The school takwim (calendar) states that the first Ujian Bulanan (Monthly Test) would take place during the week after the Chinese New Year break. But when I asked DD if her teachers had said anything about exams, she said no. Sure enough, the week came and passed, and there were no exams.

And then her BFF came to our house and mentioned that the exams will take place in March. I casually asked (read: grilled) the two kids about the exact dates of the exams, but they simply shook their little heads and looked at me with their wide innocent eyes.

I took another look at the school calendar and squinted my eyes real hard to read the words in miniscule prints. I noticed that there'd be another monthly test in March, right after the first term break. Hmph.. can I trust the school calendar or not?

I re-read e-mails sents by the school PTA, and the only mention of exams is about the new system of Pentaksiran Pembelajaran in Selangor where it explained that 80% of students ' marks will be from exams and the remaining 20% will be from other things such as student's behaviour, attendance, quality of work, participation, punctuality, homework etc. It did mention that the first assessment would be held in March but no dates were given.

Having exhausted my options, I somehow forgot about the entire thing throughout the long Maulidur Rasul (The Prophet's Birthday) weekend. Until Sunday, that is. We were having lunch with DH's family when DH's eldest brother asked me when DD would be sitting for her exam. His daughter, who is of DD's age and attends a religious school, would be sitting for he exam on the week beginning 1st of March and she had been studying during the long weekend. I casually said that DD's exam would be in March, but I didn't know the exact dates. Then my youngest BIL chipped in, " Tomorrow's 1st of March" and that's when I almost freaked out.

So what do you do when you're in my situation? I decided to ask another Mom whose daughter is in DD's class. Her reply to my sms was "sometime in March, we can ask the teacher tomorrow". Somehow the knowledge that she was just as clueless as I was had the immediate effect of calming down, and I managed to enjoy the rest of the blissful weekend.

On Monday morning, I told DD to check for the exam dates with her class teacher.

When I picked her up from school in the afternoon, she greeted me cheerfully with "I know when the exam starts." I asked her when and she said "Today!" The only word that came out of my mouth then was "Huh??!!" and then I saw a stack of exam papers on one of the desks in front of the class.

It turned out that this week IS the exam week and I did not prepare DD for it. My consolation is that other parents were caught unaware too. I heard from one parent that the weaker students would be moved to Kelas Pemulihan. As for DD? She said BM (on Monday) was easy but Maths (Tuesday) was tougher than the exercises she's been doing. She also took more time to complete the Maths paper and I found out it was because she read the questions in both languages (BM and English).

Last night I made her study English and Agama. That's when I realised I've no idea what she has learnt in Agama because she never brings the activity/exercise books home for the subject. So I told her to just read the text book.

Hmm.. it's not east being a parent to a Year 1 child.


Ummu Auni said...

auni tak masuk sekolah kebangsaan pun, mak dia dah pening :D

aida said...

aida pun taktau amni periksa. bila mak su buat entry ni, dia balik baru aida tau dia tgh periksa... heheheh

Yasmin's Mummy said...

ummu auni afif .. memang pening, unlike tadika where the children (and parents) are so pampered.

aida .. welcome to primary school hehe. tak pe tak pe, parents lain pun cam kita gak (nak sedapkan hati).

Nida said...

Imran masa sklh d m'sia, gitu jgk..hihi.. Tapi, sklh sini ada handbook, e'day tau h/work mana nak disiapkan, (h/work pun part of assessment)n bila test..tensionnya sini weekly test sokmo, rasa cam x der rest mamanya..*sigh*

Yasmin's Mummy said...

Nida.. private school of course la, everyday dpt tau h/work mana nak kena buat. Sekolah Yasmin pun ada buku kerja rumah to record all the h/work, but it never gets updated. Selangor ada new assessment system, whereby homework is also part of the assessment. Tak tau la camana diorang implement.