Wednesday 29 October 2008

Time to clean up

While I was studying for the exams, I kept getting distracted by the urge to spring clean the house. I just couldn’t wait for the exams to be over so that I could start tackling the mounting heaps of junks that are scattered around the house.

So it was such a relief that the opportunity to de-clutter finally arrived. I started with the dresser in the bedroom. DD was elated. She wouldn’t miss the chance to go through my make up and toiletries for the world. Did I mention that she has laid claims of ownership on my make up kits? If it weren’t for her, I would have thrown away all the items.

The next item was the bookshelf. It took much longer than I anticipated, not because I had many books, but because of the unopened letters that I had to sort out and decide which ones to keep and which to throw away. DH has a system for filing our important documents, but often, we are behind with the actual act of filing. Yesterday it took me hours to get it done. It was such a chore, but in the end it was all worth it, because we know where everything is (well, almost).

I’m glad that now I’m almost done with the bookshelf. Three boxes of books, course materials and lecture notes have been transferred to the store room. Another box is in the guest room. The books and lecture notes in the box belong to my dear niece Ummu Auni. I’m sorry I’m keeping them for so long, dear. I’ll have to find time to return those books to you one of these days.

I’m yet undecided as to what my next target will be. DD’s room is such a mess with her clothes, books and toys. I attempted to clean up her room during my previous semester break but in the end I was overcame with emotional attachment to all of the items that the only item I managed to get rid of was one broken doll. How I wish that I could just close one eye and gather all those items in 1 big garbage bag. Alas, I somehow found ways to rationalise and in the end, the room just stayed the way it was before I cleaned it up.

So perhaps it’s not a good idea to tackle DD’s room next. Not if I want to see some results, that is.

Last month, DH mentioned that he wanted the top shelf of his wardrobe cleared. I bluntly told him it would mean getting rid of some of his clothes. He had agreed to that. So DH’s wardrobe is definitely on the agenda but I need him to be around to decide which items to keep and which ones to give away. So that will have to wait until he comes back from work.

Perhaps I shouldn’t be too ambitious today and just settle on the stationery boxes that we keep under the bed. I don’t know how it happened, but over the years, we have accumulated quite a large number of stationery items.. pens, pencils, paper clips, staplers, highlighters.. some in good condition, some are practically unusable.

I know this is so mundane, but somehow, I know I'll feel much better when everything is at its right place.


Ibu WA Alim said...

Dah kena writer's block ye..? tp tulis mcm2 ni pun tak pe a start..blh la bagi kita yg lama idea's jammed ni.. nak mula mengemas rumah yg bak tongkang pecah ni..mana nak mula.. mana nak biar.. mana nak buat pulak seterusnya..

Ummu Auni said...

an update, yey! i had the urge to wash ALL the curtains in the house nearing exam, so practically when i was on study leave, i actually washed all the curtains and then tumbled it dry and ironed it for one whole day! such an urge :P

Yasmin's Mummy said...

IWA.. rasa berserabut bila fikirkan I don't know where my things are.. itu pasal semangat nak kemas.

UA.. I guess keeping the house clean is a way to get some parts of our lives in order. It's as if it can somehow balance the stress caused by the exams.