Monday 14 April 2008

Happy Birthday

Yasmin is 5 today. Happy Birthday My Dearest!

The birthday party was held at home yesterday. Friends and relative joined us in our celebration. Thank you very much for your time and the presents! We apologize for any shortcomings. It's only when you have people around that you start to notice as to how hot it is in the house and how cramped the space is.

We didn't plan to have a party this year. But DD kept on requesting for it so we decided to give in to her. She didn't really get what she wanted though. If it's up to her, there would be 2 birthday parties (1 at McDonalds and 1 at home), and she'd be wearing a white dress with pink shoes and a tiara like Siti Nurhaliza's (she said this). She'd also be holding a magic wand. And she wanted a clown too.

But what she didn't get, is replaced by some better things I suppose. She had fun with her cousins, classmates and friends. Her bedroom and mine were turned topsy turvy. As of now, the rooms are still in that state and I don't really care.

And the presents. She loves every single one of them. There were toys, music boxes (ahh! even I love them), clothes, sandals, girls' accesories, stationeries, bags and her favourite, books. Someone gave her a particularly huge and thick book. Looks like I'm going to spend lots of my free time reading with her. I'm not complaining though. And as usual, many of the gifts are pink, which,of course, is her favourite colour. Thank you again everyone for the thoughtful gifts.

She wanted to look at the presents again before we went to bed. By then, DH and I were beyond exhaustion so we allowed her to go through her presents on the bed. She finally fell asleep at 10.30 while clutching a brand new pink pillow in the shape of a heart.

It was particularly hard for me to drag myself out of bed this morning, so I texted DD's teacher to tell her DD would be late! DD was uncharaceristically chirpy though, and in fact she was eager to go to school. Well, which child wouldn't, now that she has a brand new bag, water tumbler and sandals. She wanted to bring a pencil case too but I managed to convince her to postpone it to tomorrow.

We wish we could have a private celebration with her today, but I may have to attend class this evening. So we'll see.

Anyway, Happy 5th Birthday My Dearest.


Ibu WA Alim said...

Dah beb kali jenguk ke sini, tak berani nak komen, sbb tak bawa present, ssie anak saudara saya, nngaju ko?

Yasmin's Mummy said...

dvd tu kira present lah. thanks for coming the other day.