Monday 21 April 2008

The family car

The first car that we bought was a dark blue Kia Sephia. The year was 2000 and DD was not in the picture yet. The car was a fuel guzzler and despite the relatively low fuel price then, we were already feeling the pinch to our pocket because of the long distance from home to our work places.

The car met its first road accident in 2002. I hit a stationary car which was parked on the roadside while trying to find a parking spot. I was not familiar with the place and I was actually on attending a job interview there.

The driver was still in the car so he gave me a chase for about 100m until I could find the space to park my car. He said to me with a sense of wonderment that it was the second time that his car was hit by a young Malay lady, all within a space of two weeks. His Proton Wira didn't suffer as much as my Kia though. A couple of days after the accident, I received a bill for RM500 from a Proton Service Centre. My own car's repair cost was about 6 times as much. I didn't get the job.

The car's second road accident was much worse. It was January 2003 and I was 6 months pregnant. We were on our way home from our last holiday as a childless couple in Guoman, PD. The road was wet and at a bend near the USJ toll, the car spun out of control and hit a road divider. The tow truck came less than 1 minute later.

We were fine. And fortunately for us, the repair bill of about RM20K was footed by the insurance company. But the car was never the same again. On one occasion, we were stranded on the Lebuhraya Timur-Barat (East-West Highway?) for about 2 hours. On a second day of Hari Raya. With an 8 months old baby.

The repair bills and escalating fuel prices called for a major decision. We finally traded the car in for a Honda City in July 2005. Thus far, it proves to be a wise decision. The City is reliable and it's much more fuel-efficient than the Kia.

We have set a trend of sort in the family. Since then, a few other family members have become proud owners of a City: my younger brother, DH's SIL, DH's sister and the latest, DH's younger brother.

I used to hate the looks of the car's exterior. I often told DH that it looked like a retard (I'm not particularly good at using appropriate words). He consoled me by saying that at least we couldn't see it when we were inside the car.

Nowadays, I see past the looks and am happy for the fuel savings. This car is value for money indeed.


aida said...

right now, we are using waja.. still going strong, kereta kecil dah tak boleh nak drive. aida mengada-ngda, ras akalau naik kereta kecil, tekan brek sikit je terus berhenti. tak best langsung

nak upgrade kereta when next baby ada.. in 2010 kot.. ahaha

nida said...

hi auntie su..idala...we are using avanza since our family extended. my neighbour said i should have 2-3more babies since my hubby provided larger car. Well, I just rolled my eyes, with 4 sons ni pun dah cukup pening kepala bila nak travel balik kb..

Yasmin's Mummy said...

aida..i'm so used to driving kereta kecil, tak comfortable nak drive yg besar.

nida.. welcome. topic on family car ni tak boleh lari dari family numbers ya. nasib baik your hubby beli avanza, kalau beli minibus what will your neighbour suggest agaknya?

Ibu WA Alim said...

Seronoknya Nida pun dah singgah sini jugak.. malaslah nak ckp pasal kereta, mmg buta kereta, dahla tak reti bawak..

Ummu Auni said...

amboi kak ida pun dah join blogger group! welcome..

eh eh i kinda like ur car, cuma best juga pakai hyundai ni. the problem is mmg banyaklah bergesel dgn tiang & pagar. bukan accident, fortunately, Alhamdulillah, proud to say i'm a good driver. hahaha. hubby muka berkerut tgk :P

Yasmin's Mummy said...

ibu wa alim.. disarankan belajar drive. senang nak kemana2.

ummu auni. sapa yg accident masa study kat mmu dulu? you or your twin? alaa, yg ayah bising2 tu :)

Ibu WA Alim said...

Blh lagi ke nak belajar driving dah tua-tua ni, takut tak masuk je..(mcm pelajaran/akedemik!. Sebnrnya graf keyakinan dah menurun, nida blh lukis graf ni kot!

Ummu Auni said...

tu tu, dia, twin saya yang bawa kereta masa tu. sian dia, lepas tu trauma, kereta tu pun kami jual lepas major repair sebab sekali balik jauh, dah bunyi macam-macam.

saya? Alhamdulillah, tak accident lagi :)

Ibu WA Alim said...

KY ada cc email draf surat adik dan permasalahan2nya regarding the tuntutan pusaka, try tgk dan komen.

nida said...

Self-confidence makes you live longer ... baru je terbaca semalam. So, CY .. better late than never..sebenarnya elok belajar bawa kereta ni, time-time hubby demam, bolehla kita dengan romantiknya drive him to clinic.. Lukis graf?...tak sampai lagi bab tu..

Ibu WA Alim said...

Rajin jugak Da baca buku, ingat ke dah jadi fulltime housewife ni, tinggal suma dah bab2 lain tu..

Yasmin's Mummy said...

setuju, better late than never belajar drive. nenek umur 60 thn pun boleh belajar, i'm confident ibu wa alim boleh.

Ibu WA Alim said...

Tk la kat korang2 yg tak jemu2 beri semangat, tgkla kalau2 Cy nak ajukan proposal tu kat my DH.

Ibu WA Alim said...

Saya dah balah email awak hari ni. Saya tak beli tiket lagi, saya tungu adik confirm blh buat surat/dpt saksi dulu, sbb kalau adik tokleh settle surat/saksi tu, nampak gaya bicara/tuntutan tu terpaksa ditangguh ke another date.

Anonymous said...

Good post.