Wednesday 5 March 2008

It is not often that we meet someone who inspires us.

Recently I had the luck of getting to know the kind of person whom I can only aspire to be. His dedication and passion to his vocation was reflected in every word he said. I could only watch in awe as he went through the theories of Keynes and the history of the USA.

This person is a showcase of excellence in thinking, delivery and actions. He ignites passion in his audience and awakens in us that long forgotten dreams deeply buried in the farthest corner of our hearts and minds. He gives his best and expects the best from us in return. He encourages, cajoles, guides, at times intimidates, counsels, makes jokes, and sometimes gets frustrated with our playfulness. Whilst he recognises that we have our weaknesses, he will not tolerate any kind of apathy or lackadaisical attitudes. He maintains the highest standards and expects the same from us.

He is far from conventional. His topics of conversation switch fluidly from the current state of the economy and politics of the USA to the unrest in Kenya, to the bloodshed in Pakistan, and to the industriousness of the Israelis. He's unflinching in his views. He can be critical of the Muslim nations where corruption, nepotism and discrimination are widely practised. He recognises that whatever has been said about the USA and Israel, there is something that we can learn from them. Sometimes he pauses half-way through his lectures to give us the book titles that he thinks will expand our views of the world.

I find his views refreshing to say the least. They certainly are not run of the mill kind that we often find in the conventional media. Here is someones who gives credits when they are due and acknowledges the ummah's weaknesses. He also strongly believes in the principle of justice. To me, this is the kind of person that I want to listen to, not the kind that leads us to dreamlike state and gloat in our so-called achievements. Did I also mention of his humbleness? Don't get fooled though. Recently he presented a paper at the University of Harvard and the professors there are keen to include his paper in their upcoming book. Also, back in the 1970s, he was already teaching MBA students in the USA. Need I say more?

Recently, he said this to me: "Keep up the momentum and commitment to excellence, have dreams, and work to realize them. Believe me they'll come true. But for that you'll have to believe in yourself first.This whole world is full of opportunities which are waiting to be unlocked by the people like you."

InsyaAllah, I will hold on to that. To that person, you have such a strong impact on those whom you meet. And that's a good thing. May Allah repay you for your deeds.


Ummu Auni said...

congrats eh!
notes for new semester semua dah susun tepi..nanti datang ambil eh.

btw, one of the most entertaining lecturers i've ever met is br. mustafa omar. memang best! he was even awarded best lecturer at kuliyyah level.

Ummu Auni said...

siapa ngajar corp strategy? kalau dr ismail yg kurus-kurus tu, quite dry juga subjek tu. marking pun quite tough. kalau orang lain, okay kut.

Ibu WA Alim said...

Both of you ni ambil same course ke?

Can't put his name ke kat blog?

Ummu Auni said...

tu kena tanya yasmin's mummy. tak tahu banyak mana nak disclose information :D

some people blog to remain anynoymous

Yasmin's Mummy said...

Ni info from portal -

ibu wa alim:
ya same course tapi mardhiah12 lagi senior. Dia dah final semester :)
Can't put whose name?

Ibu WA Alim said...

nama org yg inspire you tu la..

Yasmin's Mummy said...

ibu wa alim,
as mardhiah12 said, some people prefer to remain anynomous.

Ibu WA Alim said...

I pernah mengacau kat blog org lain as anonymous, then kena marah kat husband org dia tau ke sapa anonymous tu..? Anynomous? Anynoymous?