Thursday 12 May 2005


Happy mother’s day to all moms in the world. It’s a special day for mothers, though if you ask me, I’d say everyday is special for as long as there is someone who calls you mom :)

My Mother’s Day was a non-event, which is to be expected considering that my little girl is just 2 y-o. You just don’t expect much from a 2 y-o. DH joked that my Mother’s Day wish is for DD not to wake up during the night. Very true indeed. DD has reverted to her baby-days habit of waking up twice at night to drink milk, and it is tiring for me. Oh how I wish I could have a good night sleep…

I went back to Kelantan on the Labour Day weekend to visit my Mother. Alhamdulillah, she is getting better. I wanted to give her a special Mother’s Day gift but in the end settled for something conventional as I didn’t have the creativity nor the time to search for a better gift. I bought her a lacy tudung in lavender for special occasions, a small ready to wear tudung in blue which can be worn either as an anak tudung or on its own at home, and a pink serkup with glitters at the front. She seems pleased to receive it. Kak Jah suggested that she wears the tudung for her next physiotherapy session, but she feels it inappropriate to melaram before her health recovers.

It was even harder to find a gift for MIL. Come to think of it, I have never got her anything except for from my overseas trips, simply because I felt that she already has everything and anything I give her would not be as good as what she already has. So this year I didn’t plan to buy her anything, just like the previous 6 years. However, on the day before Mother’s Day, DH mentioned that perhaps we should get something for MIL. I suggested a brooch, but he didn’t agree because MIL already has a good collection of them. Then I remember MIL likes body lotions, so I suggested that we get something from Bodyshop. We found a nice gift set a Bodyshop at an affordable price and bought it.

The next day we had lunch at the in-laws’ place. After lunch, while watching Nona, DH asked DD to retrieve the gift from the carrier bag and present it to MIL. MIL didn’t open the box but I could tell she was pleased that we remembered. Afterwards when FIL saw the gift, he feigned jealousy (I expected this, typical of him), and said that DD didn’t get anything for him. My DD is particularly close to FIL, always seeking his attention. Now I must remember to get him something for Father’s Day *sigh* It's going to be difficult to think of (let alone find) the right gift...

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