Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Year 1 recap (Part II)

Gradually DD started to adapt to her new environment. She made many friends despite her shyness. Over time, she began to enjoy school.

And so primary school introduced her to many new experiences. A fun sports day. Immunisation (I couldn't believe it that DD was given TWO injections in a single day. And neither could our family doctor!). A visit by exchange students from Australia. Free goodies from corporate sponsors (milk, juices, books, stationeries, toiletries. They do get lots of visits from sponsors). Being punished for talking during a lesson (DD blamed it on the other girl). First visit to the school library, which only took place during the recent fasting month (her friend got lost on the way to the library). Buying stuff at the canteen and school bookshop, which till this day remains a rare occasion. Playing imaginary games with her friends during recess. Losing stuff at school, which thankfully has not happened for a long time. Being bullied by a boy.

Academically, DD is doing alright. Maths is a bit of a struggle, but she copes. When she got number 1 during the first term exam, we were the proudest parents. But perhaps success came too early for her. Now all she wants to do is play, play and more play. The final exam began yesterday, but she doesn't really care. While the competitive streak in me wants her to focus on her studies, I keep reminding myself that she's only 7. Let her enjoy being a 7 year old. Position does not matter. What matters is that she learns to be a good Muslimah, a good individual and a good daughter. As long as she understands what she learns at school, I'm happy. I'll leave the pressure till she's in Year 3, hehe!


Ummu Auni said...

kerisauan seorang emak itu tak habis2...aaaaa

Yasmin's Mummy said...

Tapi sedar2 dah almost the end of Year 1. It wasn't so bad afterall.

Ibu WA Alim said...

Do you best Yasmin!