As promised, there shall be no negativity in my post today. What I'm going to write comprises three true short stories which show examples of human kindness, regardless of religion, race or nationality. And yes, bankers can be kind too...
Story #1
Manchester, 1994. My brother just obtained a place to study at UMIST. I accompanied him to Manchester to help him to settle in. As fate would have it, I became a victim of pick-pocket. I lost my wallet and all its contents: cash of about 10 quids, my NatWest Bank debit card, my student card, library card and some other less important cards.
I never thought i would see my wallet and its contents again. Imagine my surprise when about a week later, a package was delivered to my house in London. It was from the NatWest Bank of Manchester. Inside the package was my wallet and all its contents, except for the cash. A letter from the bank explained to me that a good samaritan found my wallet and turned it to the bank (I guess because of the bank's ATM card inside the wallet).
And the bank mailed it to me by registered post, free of charge. I love you, NatWest!
Story #2
Port Dickson, June 2010. DH attended a course during a weekend at a hotel in PD. While he was watching World Cup with his colleagues at around 10 pm on a Saturday night, he realised that he didn't have his brand new mobile phone with him. He searched for the phone high and low, but didn't find it. He then alerted the duty manager.
A short while later, a foreign security guard came knocking on our room door to return the phone to DH. He found the phone in the kids' play room (we were at the kids' play room earlier, before DH joined his colleagues to watch football). Thank you, Mr Security Guard.
Story #3
Shah Alam, July 2010. DH lost his mobile phone again, this time at the Golf Club. Again, he didn't find it. He alerted the Manager at the Club.
The Manager managed to get in touch with the golfer who found the phone. The golfer, En. Z, returned the phone to DH. He said he didn't give the phone to the staff at the club because he wasn't sure if they could be trusted. Thank you, En. Z.
These 3 simple stories remind me that there are good people out there. So, despite repeated unpleasant experience with customer service, I shall continue to have faith in humankind.
Nampaknya nasib demo selalu baik jugak..
Ambo dulu pernah tertinggal pencil case atas phone booth d Hentian Pudu (dr Penang nak ke rumah abe Mad)..balik2 nok ambik takdok doh..! NNinggal sebentar jah..sayenyo pencil2 ambo hok come2 de segala cute keychains koleksi ambo maso tu..
*Brg berharga tu..
betul maksu, byk perkara2 positif sebenarnya. ida kdg2 x taula bakpo berehi fikir negatif sokmo @ setan byk dok kacau kot @ iman semakin berkurang.
Ada satu blog Ida dok baca, model lagi ko, ex-model doh ko, x sure sgt..tapi, she makes my day, muda lagi budaknya, loni dok ngaji univ..sokmo tergelak baca her post. Kalau tension, Ida akan cari blog2 hok boleh wak Ida ekekekek.
Ida ni silent reader to banyok blog .. heheh. Tapi, this girl she is always positive, n her writings inspired me to be errr.. beautipool.. front of hubby la kan..:P
IWA: teringat k yah suka collect keychains dulu. Sayang hilang ya.. tak pe lah, org kata barang yg lepas jgn dikenang.
Nida: Actually it's up to us whether to look at life from a positive angle or a negative one. I find that now that I have more free time, I tend to have a negative outlook. Perhaps I should find a better use for my time..
p/s: being beautipool camne tu.. share la sikit :)
Em..Che Da, rasonyo Che Da tau doh betapo bertungkuh lumuhnyo paro syaiton dok berusoho utk menumpaskan para hambo..dio dok cucok saat demi saat dan ketiko demi ketiko..tok perenoh berenti sehinggo berjayo..pikere negatif tu pon mmg cucokan dio.. dlm segenap perkaro..hoktulah nok keno ingat sokmo..peringat sokmo..keno positifff jah..baikkk sokmo dlm ati! ingat sene tulah idop ni jadi perjuangan..berjuang melawan nafsu dan syaiton..
(Ni royatko diri sediri jugokla ni..)
YM..alohh maksu..beautipool kecil2 jah, Ida jenis tok pandai nok jangok pun.
Maksu..bakpo bila ada free time jadi fikir negative? or sbb jadi SAHM menyebabkan jadi berfikiran negatif, kalu sbb ke-2, Ida nok cari keje la..hihi.
Hcy..Ida pandang negative ko diri sendiri, rasa banyok kekurangan dr segi fizikal. Mungkin sbb perut ida boyot besar n tgk kawan2 x buncit pulok, muko pulok sejak mari sini naik jerawat sokmo, rambut pulok, pakai mace2 supaya nampak terurus, letok minyok jadi tepek, pakai syampu n conditioner, jadi kering seroyeh, x leh nok wak peseng, ado hati nok wak peseng tuh, hihi..dan adolah bbrapa perkara lain yg berkait dgn diri sendiri yg menyebabkan rasa rendah diri n semuanya berkait dgn fizikal. Mungkin sbb terkenang maso zaman anok dara kot..
Kehidupan di Saudi Ida pandang positif sbb suko dok sini rasa aman, damai n tenang, rasa mudohnya Islam n rasa Indahnya islam sbb sini ikut Islamic rules.
IWA: betul la tu angkara syaitan menanam fikiran negative, was-was dan seangkatan dgn nya.
Nida: Bersangkut paut la tu.. having a lot of free time and being a SAHM. Dulu busy bekerja tak de masa nak fikir benda remehtemeh. Now banyak free time, otak mula berfikir itu ini.. Patutla kita digalakkan sentiasa mengisi masa kita dgn kerja2 berfaedah, baru la tak melayan fikiran dgn benda2 negatif.
Ida jgn la rendah diri dgn fizikal Ida. Cuba tengok cermin betul2, you're prettier than a lot of people. Perut geleber tu sbb dah 4 org anak, which is a blessing isn't it? And you can do something about it, exercise ke, sapu lotion ke. As for the jarawat, cuba pakai Dalacin T. I find that it works for me. As for your hair, kan banyak products di luar sana.. cuba la. Atau kelau ada budget lebih, pergi hair salon (maksu tak pernah buat lagi hehe..). The important thing is, if you're not happy about your looks, do something about it. At the same time, accept that we're ageing and cannot go back to our twenties.
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