Sunday, 15 August 2010

Holding On

Day 1
At 2pm, we just arrived home from school. "Lapar! Lapar!" "Sakit perut.. lapar!"
I told her to be patient, this is a test from Allah.. She held on till maghrib, alhamdulillah.

Day 2
At 5pm, when I picked her up from KAFA. "Today is the more tiring day. I became like jelly in class!" "I'm thirsty, thirsty." Again, I told her to be patient. I know how she felt, the weather was particularly hot that day. Being cloistered in class almost the whole day under this weather can be a trying experience.

Day 3
She fell asleep at 2pm. "Mengantuk.." So she missed KAFA. I already discussed this matter with DH before the fasting month began, and we decided that it's more important for her to fast than to attend KAFA. So I let her sleep and didn't wake her up for KAFA.

Day 4
It's Saturday! She went back to sleep after sahur and woke up at 9 am. She went through the entire day playing with her friend Amelia, doing workbooks, and playing PS2. She was so energetice, I couldn't resist from asking her "Are you sure you're fasting?"

Day 5
It's Sunday but she didn't go back to sleep after sahur. Amelia slept over at our house last night. After sahur, the two of them decided to play right away. She was energetic and chirpy.

We sent Amelia home at around 2pm. Afterwards when we reached home, she whined "Lapar.." Then she plonked herself on the bed and almost immediately fell asleep. She woke up around 5.45pm! Well, I guess that makes up for the lack of sleep during the past few days.

I know this is tough for her, juggling school, KAFA, fasting and tarawih. And 1 week from now, she'll be sitting for her exams. Oh Allah, please give her the strength, endurance, and patience..Ameen


qalamunir said...

Ameen. Moga jadi hamba yg solehah Yasmin.

Alim pun mula ujian dua2 sekolah hari ini.


Yasmin's Mummy said...

Good luck Alim.. moga berjaya dgn cemerlang. IWA stress ke hehe..
Yasmin exam next week, bukan minggu ni.

Nida said...

YM..Good liuck yasmin on puasa n exam.

anak2 Ida, Abg n Jat, this yr baru start pose. Kejut sahur kul 3am coz subuh masuk kul 3.45am. First day, x de habis subuh 2x doh mintak nok minum air. Ida nih jenis cair, sampai ke hari ni, Abg baru 2 hari pose penuh, jat x penuh lagi. Jat pose makan, air minum :P

psst..x sir letok ko iti resepi samosa tu? ;)

Ida ni tiap kali masok s'thing new n mencabar (bg Ida la rasa mencabar..hihi), pasti ambik gambar sambil dlm hati dok pot, pet, pot, pet konon2nya dok bercerita dlm blog..heheh.

Komen on prev. post: Masa ida belum maghi sini, Ida pun suka makanan middle east, I love kebab so much! Tapi, lainla rasa bila mari sini, so far x jupo lagi kebab that kick my taste bud. Ida lebih prefer kebab mesia. Kuih muih pulok manis leting, more to sigho.

Yasmin's Mummy said...

Ida.. mencabar ya puasa kat sana, 3.45 dah masuk subuh. Buka puasa pukul berapa pula?

Congrats to Abg and Jat coz dah mula belajar puasa. Kuatkan semangat ya.. InsyaAllah you'll feel stronger as the days go by.

Bakpo Ida nak resepi samosa? Mesti yg kat sana sedap2.. beli je lah, tak payah buat.

Ummu Auni said...

berapa hari dah yasmin puasa? rasa2 cukup complete ke sebulan ni?

Yasmin's Mummy said...

UAA: So far dia belum tinggal. InsyaAllah, harapnya cukup.