The next day, I browsed the internet for more information on the subject matter. After spending a few days reading about it, I was ready to apply my new knowledge and show if off with a finished product.
I think it's apt that I found this hobby just before the Hari Raya season, because it gave me a perfect excuse to do beadwork on DD's baju kurung. So ehem, ehem, here goes ...
Flowers In My Heart
Love Binds Us Forever
Pink Blushes (my baju kurung)
This hobby is kind of addictive. But I'm forcing myself to take a break now because I'm down with an infection on my right eye (timbing).
By the way, Selamat berpuasa to all muslims.
cantikkk..Lamo x dgr word timbing. Selamat Berpuasa too!
Berbunga sakan no..! Feminine jugak adik aku ni..
Ramadhan mubarrak! Tq, hantar sms.
Nida.. tq. This timbing is taking a longg time to go away...esok cukup seminggu. Best ke makanan berbuka kat sana? Tadi maksu tengok chef wan buat 'borek' (turkish dish) pakai filo pastry, minced meat, feta cheese. Nampak sedap dan easy to do.. sat lagi nak cari resepi.
IWA: Initially guna manik2 je coz tak minat sequins.. then I saw beautiful photos of flowers made from sequins, terus minat pulak. Raya ni berbunga2 bermanik2 la I hehe..
Maksu..x dok choice sgt sini, nasi arab sepesen jah, samada ayam tu dibakar/masok sekali dgn nasi. X dok kuoh, kering jah. sayur pun x dok pesen. Samada pickles or d.ketumbar buat ulam. X serupo M'sia esp Klate, mmg heavenlah kalu bab2 makane, segalo mok kanok lauk pauk n kuih muih..neleh air liur terkenang ko makane klate.
Dok sini keno masok pagi, pete, sie, male, raso mace habis resepi doh dale palo..errr..sebenarnya x kaya dgn resepi..hihi.
Ida oyak ko hubby, kalu kelik Mesia sok, sok..nok cuti masok, x sir masok langsung :P
Ida; betul tu, balik msia tak yah lah masak.. pergi jalan2 cari makan. Segala macam makanan ada kat sini. Me n DH like to try out the food outlets during the weekends (kes malas nak fikir apa nak masak).
Tapi maksu beberapa tahun kebelakangan ni jarang ke pasar ramadhan. Makan simple je, macam bulan tak puasa. Cuma to reward my anak dara for fasting, maksu beli la 1-2 jenis kueh utk dia dari kedai makan dekat sekolah agama dia.
Yesterday I made samosa, but I cheated a bit, used popia skin for wrapping. Dapat pujian dari ipar2ku the filling is delicious.. maksu ni pantang dipuji heheh mula la kembang hidung.
Esok atau lusa nak buat borek with cheese filling.. bahan2 dah beli tadi. Hmm I guess I would love living in the middle east because I love their kind of food :p
wahh maksu, sgt chantek la your manik2 tu. sweet n matches the flowers :D kita suka jugak tp x pernah nak buat since kena berperang dgn budak4 yg confirm pastu x siap punye lah :P
Unie.. thanks. Want a tip? I asked the shop owner to recommend matching colours for the baju.. kalau harapkan maksu yg masih 'hijau' ni agaknya ke laut la colour scheme nya.
Betul, susah nak buat kalau ramai askar di sekeliling.. not advisable. Kang tak pasal2 ada yg kena ke ER!
ni beginning level tahap terror dah ni. aini baru ckp dgn officemate nak cari manik nak jahit kat baju. alih2 booth kat bawah ni takdok jual. adui
UAA: So do you want the pink sequins? Actually you can by beads online.. the website owner used to work at Menara TM, but now she has changed job. Try googling 'manikjepun'.. that's the nick that she used in forum. Lagi satu kalau rajin ke Jln TAR, kedai Bunga Reben ada jual manik. Maksu beli di Shah Alam je..
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