Monday 17 November 2008


Due to popular request (ehem ehem) I've decided to write a short note on the detox programme that I took recently. First, I'd like to clarify that it's not a slimming programme, so for those who're looking forward to shedding a few kilos, you may get disappointed with the detox programme. It may result in weight loss, but that's not what it is meant for.

I've been having lots of skin problems, ranging from acne to eczema to skin tags, which drew remarks from some people that I have 'darah kotor' (contaminated blood?). My readings on the subject of skin problems also revealed to me that I could have built up toxins in my system. I've done 'bekam' once and I know it's not sufficient, so I thought I should make more efforts to address or at least manage my problems. And it was during the stressful exam period that I suddenly got the urge to clean up everything, including my system. So, I couldn't wait for the holidays to get started on my spring cleaning project.

Anyway, I decided to try out Juvanex, which is a 7 day detox program. There are other programs in the market such as Tru d-tox, but somehow I got attracted to Juvanex. The normal price of 1 set of Juvanex is RM160 (at Guardian) but I got mine from Caring Pharmacy for RM128. If I'm not mistaken, Watson also sells it at a cheaper price than Guardian.

RM128 may sound expensive, but a detox programme is not something that we have to take continuously. In fact, it may even be harmful to the body rather than bring it benefits if taken continuously. It is advisable to detoxify the body twice or three times a year, so I thought when the cost is spread out over the benefit period of 4 - 6 months, it is actually quite reasonable.

The programme consists of 28 sachets of the detox thingy (it's powdery actually), a shaker and a booklet which explains about the programme and contains the recommended menu for the 7 days programme. I know all my readers are good in math, but I'd like to highlight anyway that 4 sachets are to be taken everyday during the 7 day period. You've got to take it twice a day, that is once in the morning (after breakfast), and once in the evening (after dinner). That means 2 sachets each time. To consume it, mix the powder with 200ml of water, shake it and drink it. The drink tastes like air limau (lime juice), so I kind of like it actually. If the effects are too strong, it is recommended to take only 1 sachet each time, but increase the frequency to 4 times a day.

It's not necessary (though recommended) to alter our diet during the programme, so I did not end up feeling famished. But if you'd like to extract the most benefit from it, you may want to follow the menu enclosed in the booklet. I tried it for 1 day (haha) which wasn't that bad actually. During the first 2 days, it is recommended to take only fruits and water, and honestly, I didn't feel that hungry. But I had a guest in the house from the 2nd day onwards, and that was when I threw the diet out of the window. So it is advisable to do the detox when you're not expecting guests or attending parties. The booklet also mentioned that it is advisable to start the detox during the weekend so that we can get enough rest and allow the body to adjust to the programme.

As for the effects, I found that I had to go the bathroom more frequently. The good thing is that it wasn't accompanied by extreme pain or stomach cramps, unlike some slimming programme. I felt slightly hungry but that was okay. It is actually recommended to keep ourselves slightly hungry so that the fats will be broken down and toxins within the fat cells could be released. As I mentioned before, if the effects are too much for you, you can reduce the intake but increase the frequency.

My skin problems didn't disappear, but I didn't expect to get cured after taking just 1 detox programme. I'm hoping that my system is cleaner now and that my skinwill get better, insyaAllah.


Ummu Auni said...

does this mean, you haven't experience something like loss inches, or much clearer skin? jerawat tak berkurang ker? tu macam malas lah nak try juvanex ni, baik beli trudtox kut :)

Yasmin's Mummy said...

nothing noticeable really. but then, i didn't measure myself before n after, so wouldn't know for sure. jerawat tu pula susah nak ckp coz dia naik sesuka hati dia.. kan ckp dah better, tiba2 esok naik lak berketul2 .. nauzubillah..

cubalah trudtox tu.. then we can compare..

nida said...

tergelak baca part yg ada org ckp psl 'darah kotor' tu..ida masa kecik dulu ayah ckp darah kotor jgk sbb 'ggaru' sokmo, dia ada beli chinese medicine, mmg mkn ubat tu masa kecik dulu n alhamdulillah pastu hilang penyakit 'ggaru' ni...

menarikla maksu detox program, rasa nak tryla jgk..

penyakit 'misteri' kulit yg kita berdua alami tu x ilang ke?

aida said...

kalau camgitu.. i think i better stick to phytofiber. same je function macam juvanex, but much cheaper

my hubby like this PF also, minum satu sachet.. 2 hari berkampung dalam toilet

as for me, the first week i eat that PF thing, my waste.. pengsan tengok, hitam, berlingkar cam ular etc.etc. you get the idea.. i can't imagine that to this day i don' know that thing was residing in my stomach.

anyhow, sesiapa nak, boleh gimme a call. i can get member's price. amik this thing from kedai gunting rambut in malacca. usual price rm85, but for the sake of being a family, i can give harga cost RM 70 (member's price is RM 68, +Rm2 due to escalating toll & oil price :P). in a box ada 15 sachets..

my testimonial, aida dulu selalu tidur tengahhari.. skrg ni rasa refresh sangat. tak perlu dah nak nap-nap during office hours

any taker?

p/s: kalau sembelit teruk sangat, biasanya kena ambil 3 sachet dalam 3 hari baru jalan..

aida said...

oh ya, sesape nak order tu.. harap maklum.. aida balik melaka masa raya haji nanti :D

nida said...

Wah! detail betul citer yg berlingkar2 tu...hahaha... kena makan sokmo ko da? Ha! kena berkampung 2 hari kat toilet?! Kalu k.ida kena makan weekend jela kot, naya anak2 kalau mkn weekdays... err... rasa cam nakla da tapi kena tanya hubby dulu sebab k.ida ada beli jamu mustika ratu last week, my hubby gelak sakan, pastu dia buat kita rasa ragu2, sajee je hubby k.ida tu, bininya nak muda jelita balik..hehe

Ibu WA Alim said...

Amboi2..mentang2lah saya tgh demam..korang syok dok bersembang kat sini ye..
Menarik juga detox program krn awak tak cerita pula bgmn rupa benda yg keluar kat dlm toilet bowl tu..? Mcm Aida punya ke..?
Teringat kat satu program yg diperkenal/amal oleh seorg kawan Ky..detoxifikasi juga..menggunakan kaedah coffee enema..dan ada jadual diet juga semasa menjalani program detox tu..ia mengeluarkan kerak2 najis yg dah lama berkampung kat dlm usus kita tu..bertan2 tak sampailah setan kan..?..dan badan akan rasa segar/ringan setlh selesai program ni..mcm Aida ckp kosnya lbh tinggi..rasanya d sekitar 6/700 ada beberapa produklah dlm satu pekej tu..dan blh menurunkan berat badan..dan inchi2 lilitan..katanya suaminya dah berjaya mengurangkan beberapa inci lilitan pinggang/perut..
Kawan Ky yg lain kata ramai model guna kaedah dibuat d klinik2lah..yg kwn Ky buat ni d rumah sendiri..
Aida, Cy minatlah yg Aida cerita tu..nak kirimlah..

Yasmin's Mummy said...

nida.. ubat cina apa ni? care to share? penyakit misteri tu tak hilang. maksu pernah dpt kan treatment from dermatologist for that, but it's quite painful.. and in his words: unnecessary.

aida.. maksu dah lama kenal phytofiber, since 2005. Cik B dan Cik Zan pun pernah ambil PF. Frankly, it's not for me. Maksu kurang gemar dgn programme yg menyebabkan berkampung dlm toilet, tambah lagi bila campur sakit2 perut. Rasa takut ada side effect. If I'm not mistaken, lain fungsi Juvanex dan PF. Juvanex is for detox of liver & bowel, not for weight loss. Rasanya PF is more for weight loss.

IWA.. entah la, saya belum yakin dgn program yg mengeluarkan kerak2. Mcm coffee enema, I think I need to be convinced that regular enema is not harmful to the body. Right now saya cuma berani cuba benda2 yg tak drastic sgt kesannya, coz to me if it sounds too good to be true, perhaps it really is too good to be true. Well, to each his own la kan. Do what you're comfortable with..

Ibu WA Alim said...

Menarik pasal benda yg keluar hitam berlingkar tu..sbb skrg ni tgh tak mau keluar dan tak rasa nak keluar..agaknya itu yg menyebabkan sakit2 badan ni..dan rasa krg sehat..bkn sbb demam selsema kot..
Mlm tadi minum air halia madu 1 mug..pagi tadi keluarla badan still rasa krg selesa..
Baru ingat..Dec thn lps dah pernah dah jadi mcm ni..lps minum air halia madu tu 2, 3 kali dlm 2 hari..cirit 24 lps cirit tu ringan rasa badan..dah tak rasa dah angin2 senak/sengkak dlm badan mcm selalu ..

nida said...

ym..masa tu ida sklh rendah, ayah belikan ubat cina tu mcm pil warna merah cam biji saga. Ubat ni kata ayah dulu utk bersihkan buah pinggang. yg menariknya bila mkn ubat ni, bila buang air kecil, warnanya bertukar jd biru. Mmg betul! Ida mkn ubat ni sapa form 1.

Since anak sulung ida, abg, pun mengalami penyakit gatal2 seluruh badan + mata + hidung. Ida pernah tanya psl ubat ni kat ayah, lupala apa ayah ckp, tapi rasanya ayah dah lupa.

maksu, lepas treatment tu hilang x? treatment camne? ida sekali fikir biarla sakit pun, nak baung jgk, rasa irritating sgt2 tiap kali tgk 'petik sawo' tu. afah citer dia pun dah kena penyakit misteri n k.long pun citer one of her family member dah start naik jgk n katanya sebab our family ada masalah kolestrol, benda misteri tu berkait ngan kolestrol. sebenarnya ida nak check tahap kolestrol kat tempat abi, tapi x pegi2 lagi.

tula cy, ida pun berkenan kat bhgn berlingkar2 tu. nak jgk buang kerak2 kat dlm badan nih, bukan apa tahun ni, rasanya paling kerap demam selsema, mungkin s'thing wrong dgn sistem badan nih. tapi cam maksu gakla x gemor bab2 berkampung n memulas2 perut tu. tapi, nak try gakla yg aida punya tu.. nanti kita sama2 buat testimonial ye cy..

wah! dah jadi blog sendiri pulak...sori maksu..

Ibu WA Alim said...

Apa benda/penyakit yg misteri tu..? Kalu yg berkaitan dgn kolesterol..Cy, mok, Cn dan Tok Siah dah dpt biji2/bintil2 terutamanya di bhg leher dan dada tp dah melarat ke bhg2 lain badan spt muka, belakang badan dan paha..
Cy pernah tanya doktor kat klinik panel/keluarga kami, katanya kulit lebih..dia tak dpt pastikan berkaitan dgn katanya mungkin juga sbb kolesterol lbh ..
Hubby dah beberapa kali suruh Cy dptkan treatment dr hospital tp Cy masih blm pegi2 jugak lagi..katanya nampak kotor kulit berkeadaan mcm tu..
Masa Cy refer kat klinik panel keluarga dulu tu..bersekali dgn satu bintil yg tumbuh d pipi kiri..rupanya tak sama dgn bintil/kulit lbh tu..
So doktor bagi satu ubat liquid namanya Verumal kalu tak silap..dan harganya RM30 masa tu..beberapa thn lps..masa Alim blm lahir..
Doktor juga suruh cuba utk masalah bintil/kulit lbh Cy tak cuba..
Bila Cy bubuh Verumal tu d pipi..rasa pedih..dan dpt menghilangkan bintil tu dlm beberapa hari ttp meninggalkan parut hitam/lebam di pipi..skrg parut tu dah takdela..
Beberapa lama lps tu bintil tu naik semula..secara mendadak..d point yg sama ttp hilang/gugur dgn mudah/sendiri..tanpa diletak apa2 ubat..

nida said...

biji/bintil2 yg cy ckp ni, yg cam tahi lalat tapi bkn tahi lalat tu kan? Tapi buke 'butir ara'kan? Biji2 ni saiznya x sama antara satu sama lain. ada yg besar, ada yg kecik dan sedikit timbul, nak kata warna hitam x hitam sgt dan merebak ikut dan dia jer. Itula cy, ida rasa nampak kotor benda ni. ooo..verumal tu boleh menghilangkan ye...hmmm nak tryla...

Byknyer nak try..heheh..

Yasmin's Mummy said...

IWA.. cuba ambil apple cider vinegar. It works for me. Lepas minum, terus rasa nak ke toilet. Boleh juga cuba PF. Mmg saya keep PF for time2 sembelit.. rasanya Zan dan B dulu pun simpan utk time2sembelit..

Nida.. it's called skin tag. It's different from tangkal ara yg CY ckp tu. According to the dermatologist, prob ni common. Tapi dia tak pula kata sbb cholesterol.

The treatment worked, tapi kena buang sebiji-sebiji... dr letak this hot liquid tak igt apa namanya.. pedih. Lepas letak tu kulit sekitar jadi merah, gatal2 and it takes a few days to drop off. The prob is, treatment tu cuma buang, it doesn't prevent growth at the same or different areas. Maksu buat a few times, tapi lepas tu give up.

Before that pernah pergi clinic biasa. Dr bagi liquid.. apply sendiri. Rasanya pedih, but it didn't work for me.

Kwn maksu pernah buat kat cosmetic clinic.. dia punya kat muka. For a week muka dia nampak ala2 baru sembuh chicken pox. Tapi lepas the thing drop off, nampak clear without any parut.

Yasmin's Mummy said...

ok now I'm confused. The dermatologist said it's called skin tag, but when I searched on the internet, skin tag looks more like tangkal ara.
What I have actually looks more like Seborrheic Keratoses than skin tags.

Ibu WA Alim said...

Cy rasa biji yg Cy ada tu tangkai ara taklah pasti sgt..saiznya mmg berbeza ant satu sama lain..
Kalu Ida nak try Verumal tu ..Da kenalah dptkan preskripsi doktor dulu..kan lain pulak jadinya..
Masa Cy pakai kat pipi dulu tu..yg tu Cy dah tak berapa ingat bijinya mcm tak sama dgn yg Cy agak tangkai ara tu..mmg pedih dan sbb kita buat utk biji yg kecil dan sebiji pulak tu..pedihnya tu blh thn lah..
Yg terbaru ni..Munirah dpt ubat liquid dr doktor utk anaknya yg ada biji2 yg cerah di ant kesan2 mcm lebam kat kulit ..namanya Duofilm..tertulis kat kotak tu.. For the treatment of warts, corns and calluses..kandungannya salicylic acid and lactic acid..
Ini saya baca from leaflet Duofilm tu..
A wart is a viral infection of the surface layers of the skin. The incubation period varies from a few weeks to several months. Warts can be spread by direct or indirect contact with a wart to damaged skin.
A corn is a small, hardened area of skin which often looks yellow compared to the surrounding skin. It is typically round or cone-shaped, pointing down into the skin. Corns most often form on the feet and some times on the hands and are caused by constant or repeated friction or pressure.
A callus is rough, thickened skin spread over a wide area. Like corn, it is caused by constant or repeated friction or pressure, but unlike corns, calluses are flat and have normal skin markings.
Saya masih tak berani nak cuba apple cider tu buat masa skrg ni Ym..sbb saya takut saya alah dgn cuka2/benda masam/peram ni..sbb semlm saya dah minum segelas apple juice dan terus ke toilet slps kemudiannya sakit2 di bhg bwh perut dan dada saya naik perlahan-lahan..mujor tak memuncak..

Anonymous said...

As the guy above said