Friday 18 July 2008


I've encountered some bad lucks with the computer today. First I wrote a long comment in my niece's blog, but just as I was about to publish it, the internet connection was lost. Not long after, the whole neighbourhood's power supply was cut off.

When both the power supply and internet connection were back on, I was back at the computer with a vengeance. Meanwhile in the background, a little girl was pleading, "Mummy, I want to play the dress up game!" (the online version).

I kept telling her to wait. So she stood by my side. It didn't take her long to get bored, so she began fumbling with the stack of papers on the desk and started reading them out loud.

At first, I ignored her. But soon I heard the word "Islamic", "banking", "finance" coming from her mouth. I started listening more attentively. Then I realized that she was reading the slide handouts from one of my classes.

The slides contain a section titled 'some pertinent questions'. DD started reading the questions listed on the slide and provided her own versions of the answers.

Some Pertinent Questions (from lecture slides "Building Contemporary Islamic Economics, Banking and Finance: Is Islamization of modern knowledge possible and viable?"):

1. Where are we?
DD's answer: Ara Damansara

2. What have we done?
DD's answer: Watching kangaroos

3. Where do we want to go?
DD's answer: SJMC

4. How to get there?
DD: By car

5. What are the challenges?
DD: What challenges?

6. How to overcome them?
DD: Use Touch n Go.

I just laughed out loud when I heard her answers. Hmm.. wish I could give similar answers to my lecturer.

Now as I'm writing this down, she is standing right next to me, reading every word that I'm typing. When she realized that it's about her, she said "What la you!", followed by giggle, giggle, and then "Mummy!"

Kids, aren't they cute?


Mohammad said...

Hilarious...seronok betul baca ;P
pandai anak YM...mcm mak ayahnya juga he he...

pandai budak2 sekarang..
nasib baik tak keluar kangaroo court he he..

Ibu WA Alim said...

Awak wi la jawape tu ko lecturer awak..kalu dia tgh tension..blh hilang tension tu..

Yasmin's Mummy said...

mohammad.. zaman dah berubah, dunia dah maju (pinjam from berita harian ad). ya budak2 sekarang pandai, but then competition pun makin tough..

iwa.. mau nak kena sebat :)

nida said...

ha..ha..ha..pandaila yasmin ni...

Yasmin's Mummy said...

nida.. budak2 sekarang cam tu la. Maksu dulu masuk std 1 baru belajar ABC.

mohammad: the kangaroo court drama is still unfolding and it's getting weirder by the day. I'm practising partial shut down on both MSM and alternative media.. it's too nauseating

Ummu Auni said...

hahaha...kalau jawab kat dr aslam macam tu, tersedak dia!

Ibu WA Alim said...

Saya suka tgk kemesraan dan jalinan kasih sayang antara anda dan puteri anda..