Friday 27 June 2008

Our own mini Olympics

We attended DD’s sports day as Stadium Juara Bukit Kiara last Sunday. 6 kindergartens were involved in the so-called mini Olympics. A torch relay lent the Olympics spirit to the event. I had tears in my eyes when I saw the little kids marching and standing to Negaraku song. My little girl is growing up so fast, I wish I could freeze moments like this forever in my mind.

Tan Sri Napsiah Omar was kind enought to grace the event and give away the prizes. DD and her friends were obviously oblivious that they were receiving their medals from a VIP. They just giggled and giggled while queuing to receive their medals.

DD participated in 2 events: Goofy Golf and another one that involved milking a ‘cow’. No prize was awarded for the second event though due to disputes among the participating schools. We also participated in a family event involving running in a hoola hoop.

I could see that the 4 year-olds and 5 year-olds were oblivious to the fact that they needed to finish first to be the champion. Instead they (my DD included) were more concerned with doing it right, regardless of the time that it took. While I was shouting ‘go Yasmin go’, she coolly tackled the ball with the golf club without any sense of urgency at all. She did get it right though and was among the better players from her school. I guess it's a good sign that she may not have inherited my 2 left hands after all.

The 6 year-olds were more competitive. And the parents.. oh well, obviously we played to win :)

In the end, DD’s school emerged second place. Last year they were the champion, and this year they were just 1 point behind. Oh well, better luck next year, may be. I have a feeling that next year the school principal will insist that my DH participate again.

The event ended at 3 pm. After that we went to Giant for lunch and groceries shopping. We finally reached home at about 5.30. What a day.


Ibu WA Alim said...

Tau ko adik nak back to school pukul 8 pg esok? JJupa dah ko dgn dia? Ky baru buleh kkecek dgn dia pg tadi..dpt jumpa @ tidak, tak tau lg..
Yasmin dpt apa? Awak main hoola hoop tu dpt hadiah ke?

Ummu Auni said...

Alhamdulillah, update juga blog ek...macam mana exam? sure 4 flat ni

Yasmin's Mummy said...

ibu wa alim.. saya pergi rumah adik last night. yasmin dapat medal. parents tak dapat apa la, dapat sakit badan je :)

ummu auni.. 4 flat ke not 4 flat ke tak kisah ler. yg penting dah dpt break yay..

nida said...

Rasa nak freeze the time jugak bila tgk anak2 makin membesar. Tadi pun baru balik dari annual sport's day anak2 ni. Rasanya kami (parents) yg terlebih excited...

Wah! main hoola hoop ye...bagus untuk mencantikkan pinggang, jiran yg cakap ni...

Yasmin's Mummy said...

nida.. memang masa cepat sangat berlalu. main hoola hoop bukan gelek2, tapi kena lari.

Ibu WA Alim said...

Kalu bulehlah freezekan time, atau slowkan time tau backkan time, muda lg la aku ni..
Kalu lari pun takleh dpt medal..baik awak gelek2 je..ha.. ha..
Sowi..jgn nangis dek..