Monday 7 February 2005

Lost in translation

On Explorace last week:

"One of the contestants is required to do a flying fox while carrying a weight...."

Sub-title: "Salah seorang daripada peserta dikehendaki melakukan 'flying fox' sambil membawa rambut palsu..."

Hmm... doesn't make sense at all. What are the criteria to be a translator?


aida said...

Oh, I didn't notice it.
Masa tu tengah buat something kat dapur, so I just read the subtitle "membawa rambut palsu"

Then I was like, mana rambut palsunya? Kenapa diaorang tak bawa / pakai rambut palsu.. hehehe

I thought I have hope with Astro. But now, my hope has evaporated. Astro is also lousy in subtitles.

Yasmin's Mummy said...

Baca sub-title as hiburan je lah :)

Kak Teh said...

memang, that is so true - subtitle should be treated as a form of entertainment! of course, you must have heard of, fire - api - when it should be tembak. and I dont have any dough as in - saya tak ada tepung! oh well!:)

aida said...

My friend once mentioned to me what she saw in a movie.

"Where is your brain?"
"Mana otak-otak anda?"

Obviously, the Malay subtitle is referring to the Malay delicacies.. hehehhe

Ummu Auni said...

unrelated :
can i link to your blog?

Yasmin's Mummy said...

kak teh.. welcome back to my blog
mardhiah .. yes, sure