Monday 21 February 2005

It’s off

I wrote before that we were planning a family holiday in Gold Coast. Well, looks like it’s not going to happen in the near future.

With the Malaysia Airlines travel fair forthcoming (it is happening now, since last Saturday until this Tuesday), I thought that it was time to make the travel arrangements. As it turned out, noone was keen to go on with the plan. Beside my SIL & her family, noone else was planning on making an overseas trip.

After getting the price list from MAS, I made numerous suggestions to DH for our own holiday, excluding his family. I suggested Auckland, Korea, London, Vienna, Paris, Hong Kong, Kolkatta, but DH was non-commital. In the end I gave up and told him I would agree to whatever he had in mind. He slept on it and the next day suggested to postpone our holiday to next year. I was a little bit disappointed, but relieved at the same time, because the truth is that it would really stretch our budget to go on an overseas holiday this year.

DH suggested that we take a local trip this year, perhaps to East Malaysia or one of the islands on the East Coast. It sounds good enough for me. As for the holiday with his family, we’ll have to put it on the back burner for now.


Kak Teh said...

tasmin's mummy, tak apalah asalkan you are with the people you love. As for means a flight home to see my mum. Kalaunak ke Europe, that will have to be combined with work. kalau tidak tak mampu. Wherever you are going, have fun!

Kak Teh said...

sorry - yasmin's mummy - typo error pulak!

Yasmin's Mummy said...

Kak Teh, i'm not that disappointed. banyak sangat plan, nanti semua tak menjadi.